ABOUT Sumedha

Sumedha Ganjoo is on a mission to help people realize they create inside out and live a more intentional life day to day. She is currently doing this through the company she founded - Quimby - an emotional intelligence app for individuals and teams; by coaching individuals; and by speaking at events on the topics of emotional intelligence, mindfulness and mental health.

Sumedha has 10+ year industry expert in building products including product management, project management and software engineering. She has a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Georgia and first came to the United States in 2008 on a scholarship. 

Sumedha also has over 10,000 hours of mindfulness training. Prior to founding Quimby, Sumedha co-founded Mindful Use of Technology, where she hosted training sessions at companies like Amazon, Goodyear, Boxast on applying mindfulness to technology consumption and digital habits.

Sumedha’s recent accomplishments include being invested in by Techstars Austin (a leading national accelerator for startups), selected for Mass Challenge early stage accelerator, being an alumni of Divinc’s social justice accelerator that is focused on uplifting minorities in the startup ecosystem, and winning second prize at Dell’s startup pitch contest in Dallas Startup Week 2022, winning the Rising star award at Girlstart 2023.

From podcasts to articles to panels, if Sumedha has an opportunity to help people be their best versions, empower them with skills to create inside out and create more safe spaces - she will be there. 

Reach out

A Note from Sumedha

Many years back, I was told I was depressed. As an engineer, logic I understood very well. But emotions, not so much. So when I was high performing, socializing with my friends, and yet broke down in the parking lot of Walmart, I couldn't understand it. Neither did I feel comfortable sharing it.

After over 10,000 hours of mindfulness training, I learnt that emotions and mindset can be trained. Whether we know it or not, we are always training it. I also started noticing how technology overuse at work and digital fatigue was impacting my mental health.

I led mindfulness training for thousands of employees, from startups to Fortune 500, and saw that the stories of stress, anxiety and burnout are lingering everywhere. They make it to the headlines sometimes but are not shared with the person sitting next to us. The stigma around mental health, the conditioning around judgement of negative emotions, the gender stereotypes on feeling emotions, and so much more - keeps us from talking openly about it and showing up for each other.

Can you imagine that we have over 6000 thoughts a day and about half of our time is spent in mind wandering? We are running on auto-pilot, now more than ever, with our digital distractions keeping us from truly being present with ourselves, each other and the situation at hand.

Take some time to reflect on, what would it take to live a more mindful day closer to your intentions instead of just living reactively and on auto-pilot.

With gratitude & love,
